The colorful pullover seen here (worn by Mr. Spicoli) is known as a Senor Lopez. They were de rigeur stoner/surfer wear in 1970s-80s California and environs, and I had one, and it was awesome. I had the more popular white and navy blue stripe model; Mr. Spicoli's was a less-popular color ensemble, but not rare. The pullovers were cheap heavy cotton, and had exactly zero elasticity: I tore a hole in the armpit of mine about a week after I got it when I was peeling it off, but was too embarrassed to do anything about it, and continued to wear it often during the Torrance Era. People frequently needed help getting their Senor Lopezes off, because it was possible to become impossibly stuck during removal--both arms could become locked in useless, akimbo positions by the taught, sturdy fabric. Anyway, there's a shocking dearth of stuff on the web about these wonderful garments. And I totally want a new one. Strange that they haven't resurfaced, given the embrace of 70s culture/clothes. Conspiracy? Anti NAFTA plot? Who knows. Can't even find them on eBay!
I have no info on the pizza.
Hey, came across your post while searching for Senor Lopez stuff myself. I actually bought one in March in a beachwear shop at Cocoa Beach. I'm in love with it although, yes, they are hard to pull off.
I have two of them. got one in cocoa beach, thats where i live and the other in WA last month
I found a SeƱor Lopez pullover hoodie at MexicanThreads.com for cheap. I love it!
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