New York Post | Business Wire
Bat Boy LLC, a newly formed company, has acquired the Weekly World News from struggling American Media Inc. "The Weekly World News is a powerful brand in publishing, entertainment and online," says Weekly World News CEO Neil McGinness. "We see tremendous potential for growing the brand and significantly expanding the business."
-from Poynter
Murdoch lost his chance with this one. Now that Going Mutant is on the shelves giving us a look at the life story of Bat Boy. Murdoch
is going to wish he had scooped up www.weeklyworldnews.com when the sales of Going Mutant are released
Its amazing how Murdoch buys all these random publications for millions of dollars and they are all looked at as acquisitions that make no sense. The one that he misses is going to be huge - how incredible is that. Ed Anger wouldn't be happy about this comment but, "Down with the big corporations!"
Glad to see that someone is finally recognizing the quality work that weekly world news is putting out. The coverage WWN got from CNN last night about california buying jetpacks was great. See the story at the link below
Leave it to www.weeklyworldnews.com to break the hottest stories out there.
Miley Cyrus in Playboy!!
Ever since Miley Cyrus turned 16, Hugh Hefner has been trying to sign her up to pose naked in Playboy immediately after her 18th birthday. Finally, with the approval of Miley Cyrus’ parents (Billy Ray and Tish), it’s a done deal – according to reports out of Arizona.
I am going to stop using NYT for my news! WWN may have some false stories, but they break them so much earlier .. just gotta take it with a grain of salt
Republicans outraged! Colleges across America are telling their students: Vote Democrat or be expelled.
Dont stress over who you're voting for ... Do something meaningful and Bat Boy Yourself!
Weekly World News has the latest on the Election results ...
WWN is definitely breaking new ground in mutant bat science
Their new app http://www.facebook.com/weeklyworldnews
is cutting edge technology
Hot new Bat Boy video just released
Bat Boy: The Musical is heading to LA...
And its official! Weekly World News is coming to a TV set near you:
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